My Latest Rip Off
Ailen Ebojele advertised on Online Jobs that he needed 100 topic for dishwashers. I supplied this information and then he said he did not have a paypal account because he was in Africa. He would contact a friend in the UK to paypal me the money.
The next day I still had no money and he was asking me to write the articles for him, because he knew nothing about dishwashers. I told him to pay me and I would consider it. Still no money. He now saids the client canceled the job because he could not complete the articles.
He saids he should not have to pay me for work. I have told him he owes me for the work anyway, as it is not my fault he failed his part of the job, I completed my job for him. This has been an ongoing argument, which I am not backing down. I just talked to him today and again he wants me to write for him. He must assume that people are stupid.
Part of our latest conversation:
AILEN : so knowing i did not use those topics how much are u asking 4 ur tyme wasted?
ME: $30
AILEN : pls be resonable, i lost that contract
AILEN : please be fair
AILEN : i dont want u 2 feel cheated
AILEN : understand my position
AILEN : tink about me a bit here, blondie
ME: with the money you earn from other jobs
AILEN : i shld use money from other jobs 2 pay 4 a job i lost
AILEN : ok i agree
AILEN : all i ask is how much
AILEN : cant just lose $30
ME: yes, I did work for you in good faith, just because you did not do your part should not reflect on my work for you
This guy should really be avoided for doing any articles for as well as subleting to others.
Technorati Profile
Labels: article scams, article writers, articles, writer scams
Hi there,
I read your comment from Freelance Writing Jobs website. I am sorry to read about all of the troubles that you have been going thru. I recently found out that the guy that I was writing for was taking my work and adding his name to it. Most of the work that I create is ghost written, so I already know that the work will not have my name on it. But I had no clue though that he was taking my work and submitting them to websites and blog posts as his own. I was devestated. Here he was making more money than me, and I was doing all the work, and he was taking all the credit! I pulled the plug fast, and even told him why I could not write for him anymore. His response?? " I assumed that you knew I was using your work". Huh?? It was never said in an IM, never documented in an email! Good for you for sticking to your guns about this. Keep the faith, and know that loyal clients are sure to come your way!
All the best,
By Anonymous, At August 6, 2007 at 9:15 AM
You must not have understood what ghostwriting is, because your employer had every write to stick his name on what you ghostwrote--that's what ghostwriting is:
By Unknown, At August 6, 2007 at 9:32 AM
I heard from that guy. He asked me for 100 each on stoves, washers, dryers. He never got back to me when I replied to ask a pay rate. Good thing.
By Julie, At August 6, 2007 at 10:48 AM
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